Mike Collins

Community/Homeowners Association experience, business skills, collaborative leadership style, and the time to serve enable me to enthusiastically seek a seat on the Association Board, helping Bonita Bay to further strengthen its position as a premier residential and recreational community in reputation, value, and enjoyment for all.

Personal: My wife Lauren and I live in Azure, with 12 years as BB residents and Club members.  Being retired, a Florida resident and returning every other week when summering in RI, I’m available for BBCA activities year round.

Business: Retired in 2007 from IBM where I led their $6+ Billion Global Business Services Americas business, including Finance, HR, Legal and Technology. I was also a member of IBM's Worldwide Management Council.

Joined IBM in October 2002 with their acquisition of PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting.  I had led PwC Consulting Americas, was a member of the Global PwC Consulting Executive group and was an elected Director of the PwC Board of Partners.

Became a Partner in PriceWaterhouse in 1985 with the acquisition of the technology consulting services firm I co-founded in 1977. I have a BS in engineering and retired as a Captain in the US Army Reserve Corps of Engineers.

Community/HOA experience: President of our HOA in RI, served four years as a Director on the Azure Condominium Association, and past President of my HOA while in CT.

David Eckrich   

1962 Notre Dame University, BBA in Accounting & Law; 1964 Northwestern University, MBA

I developed the Knollwood Communities in South Bend, IN.  They included a Country Club, 36 holes of golf, swimming pools, tennis courts, fitness center and racquetball courts.   These communities consist of approximately 3,000 lots on 3,000 acres in 18 neighborhoods.  During these years I started, managed and turned over many homeowner associations.  I have served on the board of a publicly held bank for 10 years and was the president of the Project Future Board for economic development in South Bend, IN.

  In 1994 my wife Judy and I built our home in Siena in Bonita Bay and have been Golf members ever since.  We became Florida residents in 2007. I have twice been President of the Siena H.O.A..  For several years I have been involved with Habitat for Humanity as a Nail Pounder and a member of the BB Fund Raising Committee. 

  Having been a director of the Bonita Bay Community Association since the turnover to the residents a few years ago, I have principally been involved in getting the new Bocce courts built, participation on the liaison committee with the Bonita Bay Club, and keeping the Marina a resident owned facility.
  My job as a director of the Bonita Bay Community Association is to see that Bonita Bay continues to be the premier residential development in Southwest Florida.  This entails continuing to maintain and improve what we have and looking for ways to be better than our competition and thus enhance the value and enjoyment of our Bonita Bay investment.  We are fortunate to have a very loyal and professional staff that works with the directors to accomplish this goal.   


Career Summary
I retired in 2008 as CEO of Flint Group, a $3.5 billion global leader in production of specialty chemicals for the graphic arts industry.  Previously, I spent 22 years in the aerospace industry serving as Vice President of Finance at Williams International Corporation in Walled Lake, Michigan and Manager of Financial Control at Sikorsky Aircraft Division of United Technologies.  I earlier spent three years in public accounting, gaining valuable exposure to the banking, wholesale distribution and manufacturing sectors.

Organizational Governance Service
I currently serve on the Finance Committee of the Bonita Bay Community Association; the Board of Trustees and Chairman of the Finance Committee of McLaren Northern Michigan Regional Health System; the Board and Investment Advisory Committee of UMRC Foundation in Chelsea, Michigan; and the Bay Harbor, Michigan Community Council, Foundation and Yacht Club boards.

Prior Organizational Governance Service includes Vice Chairman of Flint Group; Board of Directors, Edwards Brothers, Inc.; President and board member, National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers; Officer and director, Detroit Chapter, Financial Executives Institute.

Education and Professional Credentials

Bachelor of Science in Accounting, University of Denver; Certified Public Accountant; Certified Global Management Accountant; Continuing education, University of Colorado, MIT and Center for Creative Leadership; Numerous speaking engagements and articles published in trade and professional journals.

Marvin S. Goldsmith

Goal:  To apply my diverse background and experience to the opportunities and challenges of the  BBCA and as a board member working together to exceed the expectations of the homeowners.

Profile:  A business career that combines a unique blend of client, advertising agency, consumer products, supermarket retail and food service/restaurants.  Major areas of focus include leadership in Strategic Planning, Marketing, Operations and Financial Planning.

A personal commitment to civic, community and charitable organizations including Member of the Board of trustees of Chicago Public Television (in my 36th (year), Bonita Bay House Committee (in 3rd year), President 1000 Condo Association (in 3rd year) – a 55 floor, 132 units

Homeowner in Bonita Bay since 1990.

Business Background:

Marketing That Works, Inc. – Celebrating the 20th year specializing in Long Range Strategic Planning, Annual Business Plan Development, Marketing and Facilitative Leadership.

Campbell Mithun Advertising Agency – Serving Clients in diverse industries as Senior VP, Account Management, president and Chairman (23 years). Member of the profit sharing Investment Committee

M. Loeb Corporation – Wholesale grocery supplier and retail stores serving as General Manager (3 years)

Dean Foods Co. -Developed a wholly owned convenience store start up subsidiary responsible for store design, marketing, merchandising, operations and advertising (3 years)

The Kroger Co. – Director of merchandising (all categories), Operations, Manager, Buyer, Advertising Manager (10 years)

University of Wisconsin – BBA
Northwestern University – Graduate Studies

Kenneth Mack

I am semi-retired from being managing partner of a CPA firm with diverse clientele, and live in
Florida full time, but spend time on a specialized area of forensic accounting,  Business Interruption Insurance.  My involvement in this area is worldwide and I will be teaching the first course on this for the American Institute of CPA’s.
I currently serve on the Finance Committee and Risk Committee of the BBCA.  I have experience in many areas that the board has deemed important, Board of Directors (4), Finance, Human Resources, Legal, Non-Profit Associations, Property Management and Security.  I also served on the Turnover Committee for the BBCA and the special sports committee appointed to explore all the future aspects of the Bonita Bay Club.

Board Experience:
1)Member Board of Directors for the Hamptons at Bonita Bay
2)Member Advisory Board of Barbara’s Friends at Lee Memorial Hospital
3)President and member Board of Directors for Crystal Woods Condominium Association, West Orange, NJ
4)Member Board of Directors for New Jersey Chapter of National Association of Certified Valuation Analysis
5)Treasurer and member Board of Directors of Project Acorn, a non-profit NJ organization sponsoring early education to underprivileged children

Membership and Affiliations:
1)American Institute CPA’s (Certified in Financial Forensics)
2)NJ Society CPA’s (committees:  Litigation Support, Litigation Services and Insurance)
3)Special Council Commission of Revenue and Expenditures for Township of West Orange, NJ
4)Helped found Bonita Bay Tennis Event supporting Barbara’s Friends of Lee Memorial Hospital.  Co-Chairman first two years.
The current board has made significant strides in many issues, but there is more work to be done, especially in the areas of Lake Remediation (budget and time frame) and the relationship between the BBCA and the Bonita Bay Club.

Jack Palmer, Jr.

My wife, Andrea, and I purchased our first property in Bonita Bay in 2002; a condo in Harbor Lakes.  We joined the golf club in 2003. In 2005 we purchased a house in Baywoods, remodeled it and enjoy it immensely.  My wife and I have been active in golf and tennis, and are very active at the fitness center.  We spend 8 months here and four months in Lakeside, Montana.  We are investors in the Bonita Bay Marina/Backwater Jacks.

I was in the daily newspaper business, ultimately as a publisher for 21 years in 3 different locales:  Craig, CO;   Auburn, NY;   Valparaiso, IN.  After selling the business we partnered in numerous commercial property developments in Denver, CO with our sons.

As a publisher I learned to listen to everyone, from politicians who wanted my editorial endorsement on whatever issue was currently, or soon to be, headlined, to the 'man on the street' who wanted his opinion heard without going public. I have personally created and served on numerous not-for-profit boards. 

Regarding the Association, I want to continue the “catching up” of the deferred maintenance of our community assets, as quickly as frugally possible. I particularly want to improve and enhance our walking and biking paths, and our beach property. Additionally, I believe we need to be vigilant in keeping our gated community secure.


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Candidates for the Community Association Board